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iPad Initiative


Caston School Corporation provides an IPad device to each student in grades K-12.  IPads are used daily for instruction in Caston classrooms.  Please see the attached links for care and student/family responsibilities for school issues devices.

At the end of the 2021-22 school year, we will not be collecting the student iPads and chargers.  Students will take the IPads home and keep their devices over the summer.   Caston has researched best practices in student device management and has found that many schools have started this practice to ensure students have equitable access to technology even over the summer months.  Many of our students will need these devices for summer school and other opportunities for continued learning.  By keeping the IPad, it ensures that your student(s) will use the same IPad each year. 

If your student(s) will not be returning to Caston for the 2022-23 school year, please let the Tech Department know and return the device(s) and charger (s) immediately.  All students have received a charger and will be expected to return it with the device.  During the summer if there are any issues with the iPad, please contact to discuss a time to meet.  Thank you and have a great summer!


iPad Agreement Form

iPad Care and Procedures

AppleCare+ for Schools